Friends and colleagues

Last update : March 27. 2003

Table with links to friends and colleagues

Who  Why 
Menno Brouwer Around the world trip in progress by Fred Groenen and Inge van Son.
SROC Official reunion site of the infamous "SROC-lichting" 85-3.
Wim Lotgering Results of recent bridge tournaments by Mickey Mouse himself....
Roelof Koekoek More DBC-ers on the net, Roelofs home page
Familie Leijen All about insanity comics.
Paul Reijling Personal homepage of "Bubeaucoup" who also works at KLM.
Jan Sijm Personal homepage of another KLM colleague.
Fred van Toorn Homepage of the hottest band in the Betuwe named "Arie".

You can reach me by e-mail at: My e-mail address (click on the envelop). I am looking forward to hear from you!

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